Pol. Industrial A Granxa
Parc. 212-214
Edificio Idigranito PO.Box 188
36400 Porriño, Pontevedra

T: +34 986 346 664



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Quality and Sustainability


Quality is not an added value; it is a responsibility for all of us, small, medium and big companies to give our clients the certainty that our products and services will meet their needs and wants in the right way. At Grupimarwe have established specific methodologies and systems for processes, products, human resources and supplier management in order to prove to our clients that we are constantly working focused on them, who are the foundation, the basis of our economic activity.

How we do it:

  • By systematising: Planning, monitoring, traceability, production control, material selection, quality control.
  • We do not and will never accept a challenge we do not believe we are capable of fulfilling. We select our suppliers according to the quality requirements set by the company.
  • Customer specifications and demands are our priority.
  • We care for our employees, suppliers and customers as fundamental actors for the growth and continuity of our activity.
GRanito Blanco Cristal monumento


In Grupimarwe know how important it is to contribute to achieving sustainable development in order to give future generations a better planet. We are aware that we are facing a huge challenge, but we are also confident that we will be able to overcome these challenges if we all assume our responsibility and make a real commitment.

Every day is a new opportunity to make a positive impact socially and environmentally. It is time to stop wasting those opportunities and step up.

Granito Blanco Cristal

But how can we meet this great challenge?

  • Environmental responsibility, to prevent, avoid and repair environmental damage that may be caused as a result of our economic activity
  • Replacing energy-intensive processes with more efficient ones.
  • Cooperation. We have a common goal, working together is the only way to achieve it.
  • Developing new strategies. Set clear short and long term objectives.
  • Minimizing the environmental impact of our production processes as much as possible.
  • Reducingcarbon footprint
  • Promoting reuse and recycling
  • Sustainable management of material resources: carry out our activities being respectful with nature.
  • We will always act according to environmental management standards.

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