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The low carbon footprint of granite compared to other materials according to the EPD

Bloques de granito


In the past, construction materials were obtained naturally, from the environment itself and adapted to the conditions in which the project was carried out. However, as time went by, the demand increased, thus increasing the distance between the sourcing of raw materials and their final location. Today, the construction industry aims to use low environmental impact materials to reduce the carbon footprint. Glass and steel are materials with the highest environmental impact, however, granite is one of the most sustainable materials according to the EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).

Why is granite the most eco-friendly choice for the planet?

Since the 1970s, our granite comes from blocks that have been sawn with a diamond wire; it is a machine designed to produce slabs and tiles of variable thickness from granite blocks. In order to use this machine, it is essential to use water, the good news is that it is in a closed circuit so that it is not wasted. This technology stands out for its energy efficiency, as its effective consumption is lower compared to other methods.

Another important element: the rubble generated

All the tailings or rubble generated in the production of granite blocks are recycled and transformed into aggregates of different granulometry, which are then supplied to concrete plants, terrazzo factories, construction material warehouses, etc. for their full use.

Finally: granite in homes

Houses in which granite is used as the main material are more sustainable. This material offers better insulation than others (thus obtaining greater energy savings in housing resources). It should also be noted that it is one of the most resistant to weather changes (it is more durable over time), adapting to the urban or rural environment, unlike other materials such as wood or aluminium.

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