Pol. Industrial A Granxa
Parc. 212-214
Edificio Idigranito PO.Box 188
36400 Porriño, Pontevedra

T: +34 986 346 664



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Quarries Restoration

Cantera de granito de España


Quarry restoration is the last stage in the process of exploiting the planet’s natural resources, which consists of rehabilitating the exploited areas in order to minimize the footprint on the environment.

There are very strict regulations on the effects generated by the extraction process (the composition of liquid discharges, dust emissions, noise or restructuring of the landscape…); for which you must have an environmental impact study and a waste management plan.

Our quarries, our commitment

One of our commitments is to take care of the environment; our quarries always comply with current environmental protection regulations. This assesses the effects generated in the environment and the corrective measures to be carried out to maintain the landscape and ecological values of the area. At the end of the operation, all the land is restored to its original appearance.

Quarry restoration process

Legislation in Spain

Since the Mining Law of 1973 and up to the present day, the operator of the site has been held liable if any damage is caused in the process.

In the years since 1973, further improvements have been made through legislation to protect the environment and economic development.

Broadly speaking, what has been implemented?

  • A Restructuring Plan must be submitted that guarantees and commits to the rehabilitation of the space used.
  • Obliges the restoration of the affected land
  • It regulates the deposit of guarantees in order to be able to face the restoration work.
  • It is essential to manage all the waste generated so that resources are not wasted.

At Marcelino Group, we promote the conservation of the natural environment, and we have established methodologies and systematics for the extraction and transformation of our granite.

What do you think? If you have any questions, we’ll read them in the comments. Check out our last post here.